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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service

Improve your customer loyalty and retention with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service is a powerful business application that uses in built intelligence to enable businesses deliver faster, personalised support to their customers. Dynamics 365 Customer Service saves a huge amount of your teams time that would normally be spent on admin based tasks and can help your business to build and retain strong customer relationships.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service Consultancy

SI ICT are a specialist Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service partner and have a proven track record of tailoring and implementing Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Service across many different verticals.

Expertise with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Service


Improved Customer Experience

Intelligent case management features such as Virtual Agents guarantee quick response times and a professional, standardised process.


Dynamics 365 Customer Service simplifies the agents’ work and takes away the need for manual data entry. Agent’s will no longer have to search for the relevant information, or trawl back through conversations to form the correct responses. Instead, Customer Service streamlines everything and manages agents’ time with inbuilt scheduling and reminder capabilities.


Data from Customer Service Insights and Customer Voice allows Agents to analyse data and conversations to identify areas they need to improve. Managers can identify their agents’ strengths and weaknesses and work with them to rectify any difficulties to equip them to deliver better customer service.

Benefits of Dynamics 365 Customer Service

Earn loyalty

Deliver a personalised service to your customers to help them gain trust in your ability

Improve retention

Seamlessly deliver the right answers to your customers at the right time across multiple channels

Improve customer service

Proactively address issues by monitoring customers intent and sentiment and behavioural patterns

Boost efficiency

Enable your workforce to make smart decisions and provide a consistent service

Useful Dynamics 365 Customer Service Features


Customer Service Insights

Dynamics 365 Customer Service utilises information from customer service insights to personalise every interaction an agent has with a client. These useful Insights capture a 360-degree view of the customer’s journey and ensure that an agent always has the background information they need to properly assess and assist a customer’s enquiry.

Customer Dashboard

Every customer will have an easily accessible customer dashboard; this is where all of their information will be stored and where every interaction an agent has with each customer will be recorded. All this information can be quickly analysed and shared in the knowledge base with other agents.

Customer Voice

A useful tool included within Dynamics 365 Customer Service is Customer Voice. Customer Voice measures and configures customer feedback using surveys. This data then enables you to analyse trends and inform actions to increase engagement and customer satisfaction.

Case Management

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service streamlines communication and case management by creating queues and scheduling meetings to help you organise, prioritise, and monitor your work progress and load. These effective reminders setting ensures your customers are not left waiting, receive the right communication at the right time and your sales agents never miss an opportunity.

Chat Add-In

There is the option to use an inbuilt chat function which enables users to converse with customers via live chats. The chats are recorded and stored and can be easily transferred between agents. Conversations can be managed across channels meaning that an agent can also communicate with a client on the client’s medium of choice such as Microsoft Teams or WhatsApp, this is a great alternative to email.

Power Virtual Agents

Power Virtual Agents, are bots that use information from Sales Insights to streamline customer interactions and remove the need for time-consuming manual data entry. Once the Virtual Agent has had the initial conversation and data entry, it will refer customers to the most appropriate agent using intelligent case routing. The human agent will then be given all the information to assist.

SI ICT's implementation approach for Microsoft Dynamics 365


We run each of our Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Service projects using the Agile project management approach. This is a flexible methodology that consists of robust planning, evolutionary development, efficient budgeting and communication between both the client and our project teams.

We choose to operate using this methodology because it gives our customers greater control over the final solution and ensures best use of budget due to the way they can change the direction of the development and implementation from one ‘sprint’ cycle to the next.

Customer Service application integrations

The Dynamics 365 Customer Service app is integrated with numerous communications apps so that customers can converse with agents on a platform of their choice including SMS, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, WeChat, Line and more.

The Microsoft Teams integration means that data and channels can be easily shared within the business between professionals. It also gives managers easy access to their agents to manage their progress and oversee any authorisation that is necessary

Transformation Journey



During our initial meeting, we’ll understand in some detail how your organisation operates and apply that knowledge to propose a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service solution to accommodates future business aspirations and resolve the main pain points. We will also discuss the licensing options.


We will produce a functional specification document alongside a project plan and technical specification that clearly defines the solution’s deliverables. Working in close collaboration with your internal team from the start, we’ll then build your tailored Dynamics 365 Customer Service solution.


Once live, your fully customised Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service platform will digitally transform your business 

Dynamics 365 Application Stack

The complete solution to manage customer relationships, close deals and boost sales revenue.

A powerful business application that uses in built intelligence to enable businesses deliver faster, personalised support to their customers

Move beyond basic marketing activity and maximise your return on investment with data driven decision making and marketing automation.

The complete management solution for your field sales and service teams enabling you to drastically improve performance levels by using intelligent scheduling, enhanced transparency, remote asset monitoring and billing management

Data driven insight to improve your financials and operations with Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.

Deliver profitable projects on time and within budget whilst building strong customer relationships

Attract the right people, and retain and grow them. Track performance, optimise workforce costs and take care of employees

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights applications

Forecast future business plans using Power BI and Data Analysis with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights

Book a free Consultation

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